Valorizing Local Wool and Weeds - Residency in Rural Galicia

Valorizing Local Wool and Weeds - Residency in Rural Galicia

This is a natural dye palette from the Galician landscape on local wool. Most of these plants are invasive, considered weeds or our own food scraps. I spent the summer helping to develop the heritage craft center La Terra Cognita (Gallego for “Known Land”) processing wool from neighboring sheep and discovering what colors could be made from the surrounding flora.

I participated in each of the wool production steps by hand and with traditional machinery. From scouring to carding to spinning and finally weaving. 

I also set up an indigo vat that we continued to feed through the month and dye a large amount of the raw wool and some spun skeins.

Metamorphocin - Fabricademy Final Project

Metamorphocin - Fabricademy Final Project